Polychaetes (Annelida) of Cyprus (East Mediterranean Sea)

Dernière version Publié par Hellenic Center for Marine Research le févr. 26, 2024 Hellenic Center for Marine Research
Date de publication:
26 février 2024
CC-BY 4.0

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The current dataset includes information of the Polychaeta (Annelida) species recorded in coastal waters and the EEZ of the the Republic of Cyprus that were recorded between 1972 and 2022. Data come from a total of 31 bibliographic references (published articles and conference papers) and 44 new surveys. From the new surveys, the 30 were carried out as part of the annual implementation of environmental monitoring surveys of the open-sea aquaculture units that have to be implemented as part of the National Aquaculture Legislations, 7 surveys were Research funded Projects, 4 were Baseline Survey Assessments as part of the implementation of Environmental Impact Assessments, 2 were multiannual surveys that were carried out as part of the WFD and the MSFD and 1 was related to the Fisheries Data Collection Programme that are implemented in the Republic of Cyprus. The dataset includes 8044 records of polychaeta presence. For each record, when present, information are included on the taxonomy (NIS, Questionable species, Cryptic species), location (region, village/city, station), depth, habitat category, sediment type, TOM, TOC, association with flora (macroalgae/seagrasses) and human activities, on the project, the taxonomists/institution and any additional comments.The polychaetes were classified into 49 families and 585 polychaete species. A total of 205 species (54%) were recorded based on literature only, 149 (26%) were newly recorded based on own data, while a total of 231 spp. (40%) were recorded from both literature and new data. A total of 51 polychaete species were identified as non-indigenous; among them, 32 are confirmed as alien species, 4 are considered cryptogenic, and 15 are considered questionable as there are doubts about their identity. Data will be availiable in October 2023


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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Rousou M, Langeneck J, Apserou C, Arvanitidis C, Charalambous S, Chrysanthou K, Constantinides G, Dimitriou PD, García Gómez SC, Hadjieftychiou SI, et al. Polychaetes (Annelida) of Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean Sea): An Updated and Annotated Checklist including New Distribution Records. Diversity. 2023; 15(8):941. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15080941


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L’éditeur et détenteur des droits de cette ressource est Hellenic Center for Marine Research. Ce travail est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0.

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Eastern Mediterranean; inventory; NIS; benthic macrofauna; WFD; MSFD; Aquaculture; Desalination; Ports; macroalgae; seagrass; Occurrence; Occurrence


Maria Rousou
  • Fournisseur De Contenu
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Fisheries and Marine Research Officer
Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR), Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Cyprus
P.O.Box 28548, Strovolos
2080 Nicosia
Joachim Langeneck
  • Créateur
CoNISMa, presso Università del Salento
Campus Ecotekne, DiSTeBA strada provinciale Lecc
Panagiotis Dimitriou
  • Auteur
  • Créateur
University of Crete
Department of Biology, Voutes University Campus
70013 Heraklion

Couverture géographique

Polychaeta (Annelida) species recorded in coastal waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone of the the Republic of Cyprus, recorded between 1972 and 2022.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [34,38, 32,124], Nord Est [35,764, 34,629]

Couverture taxonomique

Polychaeta (Annelida) species recorded in coastal waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone of the the Republic of Cyprus, recorded between 1972 and 2022.

Phylum Annelida

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 1972-01-01 / 2022-01-01

Données sur le projet

The project aims to investigate the evaluation of sensitive benthic marine ecosystems in the territorial waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus. The project includes, among others, a research survey to investigate the benthic biodiversity of the Eratosthenes Seamount, collection and analysis of benthic samples in order to investigate the benthic communities in Cyprus coastlines, development of species check-lists, genetic analysis of targeted species, identification of best practices and measures for the protection of sensitive habitats etc.

Titre Investigation and evaluation of sensitive benthic marine ecosystems in the territorial waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus
Identifiant (EMFF) 2014-2020
Financement co-financed by the Operational Program “Thalassa 2014–2020 (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020 and national resources
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Island of Cyprus Economic Exclusive Zone
Description du design The current dataset includes information of the Polychaeta (Annelida) species recorded in coastal waters and the EEZ of the the Republic of Cyprus that were recorded between 1972 and 2022. Data come from a total of 31 bibliographic references (published articles and conference papers) and 44 new surveys

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

A bibliographic review was carried out and all the articles published in scientific journals and conference abstracts that included information on polychaete species recorded in the marine waters of Cyprus were identified. The new records and unpublished data of polychaeta species presence came from: (i) monitoring programmes that are implemented as part of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EU and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) 2008/56/EU, (ii) environmental monitoring programmes of the open-sea aquaculture units, (iii) implementation of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) related to the marine works, (iv) the environmental monitoring of the Artificial Reef Marine Protected Areas, (v) research projects: OIKAPAV, IDREEM, WATERMINING, EMBOS, AQ-UA-Plos, and (iv) some samples collected by J. Langeneck around Limassol Bay

Etendue de l'étude Sediment sampling methodology included: 1) Van Veen grab (0.1m2 surface) 2) Corers collected via scuba diving (9mm diamater) 3) Benthic dredge
Contrôle qualité The TAXON Match tool of the World Register of Marine Species was used to update or validate species names

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. A bibliographic review was carried out and all the articles published in scientific journals and conference abstracts that included information on polychaete species rec-orded in the marine waters of Cyprus were identified. Where polychaeta species were reported in scientific literature resources, but no information on the exact sampling sta-tions were noted, we contacted the authors and asked to provide us, if available, the supplementary materials checklist.

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Ben-Eliahu, M.N. (1972). Littoral Polychaeta from Cyprus. Tethys, 4: 85-94.
  2. Ben-Eliahu M.N. (1977) Polychaete cryptofauna from rims of similar intertidal vermetid reefs on the Mediterranean coast of Israel and in the Gulf of Elat: Syllinae and Eusyllinae (Polychaeta Errantia: Syllidae). Israel Journal of Zoology 26: 1-58.
  3. Ben-Eliahu, M.N. ten Hove H. (1991). Redescription of Rhodopsis pusih Bush, a little known but widely distributed species of Serpullidae (Polychaeta)
  4. Ben-Eliahu, M.N. (1991). Red Sea Seprilids (Polychaeta) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ophelia Suppl., 5: 515-528.
  5. Ben-Eliahu, M.N., Fiege, D. (1995). Polychaeta from the Continental Shelf and Slope of Israel Collected by the ‘Meteor’ 5 Expedition (1987). Senkenbergiana maritima, 25(4/6): 85-105.
  6. Ben-Eliahu, M.N., Fiege, D. (1996) Serpulid tube-worms (Annelida: Polychaeta) of the central and eastern Mediterranean with particular attention to the Levant Basin. Senckenbergiana Maritima, 28 (1/3):1–51.
  7. Hadjichristophorou M., Argyrou A., Demetropoulous A., Bianchi T.S. (1997) A species list of the sublittoral soft-bottom macrobenthos of Cyprus. Acta Adriatica 38: 3-32.
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  10. Argyrou, M., Demetropoulos, A., Hadjichristophorou, M. (1999). Expansion of the macroalga Caulerpa racemosa andchanges in softbottom macrofaunal assemblages in Moni Bay, Cyprus. Oceanol. Acta, 22: 517-528.
  11. Ben-Eliahu, M.N., Payiatas, G. (1999). Searching for Lessepsian migrant serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) on Cyprus-some results of a recent expedition. Israel Journal of Zoology, 45:101-119.
  12. Paavo B, Bailey-Brock JH, Åkesson B. 2000. Morphology and life history of Ophryotrocha adherens sp. nov. (Polychaeta, Dorvilleidae). Sarsia 85:251-264.
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  14. Barnich, R., Fiege, D. (2003). The Aphroditoidea (Annelida: Polychaeta) of the Mediterranean Sea. Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft.
  15. Çinar, M.E., Ergen, Z. (2003). Eusyllinae and Syllinae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Northern Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) with a checklist of species reported from the Levant sea. Bulletin of Marine Science, 72(3): 769-793.
  16. Çinar, M.E., Ergen, Z., Benli, H.A. (2003). Autolytinae and Exogoninae (Polychaeta: Syllidae) from northern Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean) with a checklist of species reported from the Levant Sea. Bulletin of Marine Science, 72: 741-767.
  17. Böggermann, M. (2005). Revision of the Goniadidae (Annelida, Polychaeta). Abhandlungen des Naturwissenchaftilchen Vereins in Hamburg (NF 39). Goeckle &Evers. Keltern-Weiler. ISBN 3-937783-10-5.
  18. Çinar, M.E. (2005). Polychaetes from the coast of northern Cyprus (eastern Mediterranean Sea), with two new records for the Mediterranean Sea. CBM-Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 46: 143-160.
  19. Musco, L., Çinar, ME., Giangrande, A. (2005) A new species of Sphaerosyllis (Polychaeta: Syllidae: Exogoninae) from the coasts of Italy and Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Italian Journal of Zoology, 72: 161-166
  20. Holmer, M., Argyrou, M., Dalsgaard, T., Danovaro, R., Diaz-Almela, E., Duarte, C.M., Frederiksen, M., Grau, A., Karakassis, I., Marbà, N., Mirto, S., Pérez, M., Pusceddu, A., Tsapakis, M. (2008). Effects of fish farm waste on Posidonia oceanica meadows: Synthesis and provision of monitoring and management tools, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56 (9), 1618-1629 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2008.05.020.
  21. Aristeidou, K., Gerovasileiou, V., Koutsoubas, D. (2009). Wrecks as artificial reefs and marine areas of diving interest: The case of Zenobia wreck from Cyprus (E. Mediterranean). Proceedings, Vol. 9th Symposium on Oceanography & Fisheries.
  22. Moraitis, M., Papageorgiou, N., Dimitriou, P., Petrou, A., Karakassis, I. (2013). Effects of offshore tuna farming on benthic assemblages in the Eastern Mediterranean. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 4:41-51.
  23. Pavloudi, C., Christodoulou, M., Mavidis, M. (2016) Macrofaunal assemblages associated with the sponge Sarcotragus foetidus Schmidt, 1862 (Porifera: Demospongiae) at the coasts of Cyprus and Greece. Biodiversity Data Journal, 4: e8210. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.4.e8210
  24. Guido, A., Jimenez, C., Achilleos, K., Rosso, A., Sanflippo, R., Hadjioannou, L., Petrou, A., Russo, F., Mastandrea, A. (2017). Cryptic serpulid microbialite bioconstructions in the Kakoskali submarine cave (Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean). Facies, 63:21
  25. Katsiaras, N., Rousou, M., Carrera-Parra, L., Garcia-Gomez, S., Simboura, N., Louizidou, P., Chintiroglou, C.C., Martins, R. (2018). Taxonomy, ecology and geographic distribution of Gallardoneris iberica (Polychaeta, Lumbrineridae) in southern Europe. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 98(7), 1609-1618. doi:10.1017/S0025315417001254
  26. Ulman, A., Ferrario, J., Occhpinti-Ambrogi, A., Arvanitidis, C., Bandi, A., Bertolino, M., Bogi, C., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Çiçek, B.A., Deidun, A., Ramos-Esplá, A., Koçak, C., Lorenti, M., Martinez Laiz, G., Merlo, G., Princisgh, E. S, cribano, G., Marchini, A. (2017) A massive update of non indigenous species records in Mediterranean marinas. PeerJ, 5: e3954 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.3954.
  27. "Papatheodoulou, M., Jimenez, C., Petrou, A., Thasitis, I. (2019) Endobiotic communities of Marine Sponges in Cyprus (Levantine Sea). Heliyon 5 (2019) e01392. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01392"
  28. Langeneck J., Barbieri M., Maltagliati F., Castelli A. (2019) Molecular phylogeny of Paraonidae (Annelida). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 136: 1-13.
  29. Sikorski, Andrey V., Radashevsky, Vasily I., Castelli, Alberto, Pavlova, Lyudmila V., Nygren, Arne, Malyar, Vasily V., Borisova, Polina B., Mikac, Barbara, Rousou, Maria, Martin, Daniel, Gil, João, Pacciardi, Lorenzo & Langeneck, Joachim, 2021, Revision of the Laonice bahusiensis complex (Annelida: Spionidae) with a description of three new species, Zootaxa 4996 (2), pp. 253-283 : 274-277
  30. Langeneck J., Fourreau C.J.L., Rousou M., Barbieri M., Maltagliati F., Musco L., Castelli A. (2022) Environmental features drive lineage diversification in the Aricidea assimilis species complex (Annelida, Paraonidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. The European Zoological Journal 89: 1246-1258

Métadonnées additionnelles

Objet This work aims to compile a checklist of polychaete species recorded in the coastal waters and the Economic Exclusive Zone of the Republic of Cyprus based on both literature records and new data
Identifiants alternatifs