The current historical paper dated back in 1892, is available online through the Biodiversity Heritage Library at (pages 363-373). Its original title is "Campagne de la Melita, 1892. MOLLUSQUES RECUEILLIS SUR LES COTES DE LA TUNISIE ET DE L'ALGÉRIE, par Ph. DAUTZENBERG, ancient President de la Société". This dataset presents dredging sampling events carried out by researchers off the north coast of Tunisia and Algeria, at several depths. The digitization and standardization process are related to the list of stations sampled and the species - belonging to Phyllum: Mollusca (classes: Pelecypoda, Scaphopoda, Gastropoda,) and Brachiopoda - found. This historical paper is digitized through a Citizen Science Workshop organized by the Hellenic Centre in Marine Research in Lecce, on 15 November 2023, using the Zooniverse platform.
Registros de Dados
Os dados deste recurso de evento de amostragem foram publicados como um Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), que é o formato padronizado para compartilhamento de dados de biodiversidade como um conjunto de uma ou mais tabelas de dados. A tabela de dados do núcleo contém 20 registros.
Também existem 1 tabelas de dados de extensão. Um registro de extensão fornece informações adicionais sobre um registro do núcleo. O número de registros em cada tabela de dados de extensão é ilustrado abaixo.
This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.
A tabela abaixo mostra apenas versões de recursos que são publicamente acessíveis.
Como citar
Pesquisadores deveriam citar esta obra da seguinte maneira:
Loulakaki M, Rallis I, Mavraki D (2024). Expedition of Melita 1892, Molluscs collected on the coasts of Tunisia and Algeria. Version 1.1. Hellenic Center for Marine Research. Samplingevent dataset.
Pesquisadores devem respeitar a seguinte declaração de direitos:
O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é Hellenic Center for Marine Research. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
GBIF Registration
Este recurso não foi registrado pelo GBIF
Sampling event; Citizen Science; Historical Dataset; Mediterranean Sea
- Provedor Dos Metadados ●
- Originador
- Originador
- Custódio De Dados ●
- Originador ●
- Ponto De Contato
Cobertura Geográfica
Coasts of Tunisia and Algeria
Coordenadas delimitadoras | Sul Oeste [32,361, 4,878], Norte Leste [38,031, 11,689] |
Cobertura Taxonômica
Filo | Mollusca |
Cobertura Temporal
Data Inicial / Data final | 1892-08-29 / 1892-10-19 |
Dados Sobre o Projeto
This is a historical paper and its digitisation took place in the framework of the EMODnet Biology phase 5.
Título | EMODnet Biology phase 5 |
Descrição do Design | The digitisation process of the historical paper, which is available online in the Biodiversity Heritage Library, started during the Citizen Science Workshop organised on 15 November 2023 in Lecce and ended after data curation of the Hellenic Centre Marine Research Data Management Team. |
Métodos de Amostragem
The main equipment used, as described in the original paper, is the following: trawl, trawl and net and dredging.
Área de Estudo | Melita Campaign, 1892: Molluscs collected on the coasts of Tunisia and Algeria. |
Controle de Qualidade | Taxonomy is mapped according to the WoRMS; while for localities we use the Marine Regions Gazetteer and the OBIS Map Tool. |
Descrição dos passos do método:
- The process started by volunteers using the Zooniverse platform, following a methodical workflow with simple tasks supported by tutorial, guidelines, and tips for transcribing the data and transforming it into the Darwin Core standards – a widely accepted, machine-readable format. This approach ensures that volunteers with various educational backgrounds can seamlessly participate in the transcription and FAIRification process of this historical marine biodiversity data. Volunteers managed to successfully complete all tasks of the CS project built in the Zooniverse platform, in a period of 76 days. Their responses were extracted in .csv format and with a specific-designed script ( and manual modification, the data were transformed into a human-readable .xlsx format. To ensure data quality, online tools such as the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) taxon match tool ( were employed for cross-referencing taxonomic information, while Marine Regions ( and Map Maker ( were used to correct coordinate uncertainties
Metadados Adicionais
Identificadores alternativos | |