Edward Forbes. Report on the Mollusca and Radiata of the Aegean Sea, and on their distribution, considered as bearing on Geology. 13th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, London, 1844.

Données d'échantillonnage
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Date de publication:
22 mars 2023
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A historical dataset, by Edward Forbes, Professor of Botany in King's College, London. This digitised report, requested by the British Association, refers to the Mollusca and Radiata inhabiting the Aegean and the Red Sea. The data upon which this report is founded have been entirely derived from a voyage of 18 months to the Aegean. The calculations have been based upon more than 100 fully recorded dredging operations in various depths and in many localities. The digitization process concerns the Appendix of the Report, which refers to the Examples of Dredging Papers, selected in order to show the associations of species in several regions. The numerous dredging operations on which this Report is founded were all registered in a similar manner.

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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Mavraki D., Sarafidou G., Legaki A., Nikolopoulou S., and V. Gerovasileiou (2021). Digitization of the dredging papers included in the Report on the Mollusca and Radiata of the Aegean Sea, and on their distribution, considered as bearing on Geology by Edward Forbes, 13th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, London, 1844.


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Sampling event; Historical Dataset; Mollusca


Dimitra Mavraki
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
Former U.S. Base of Gournes
71500 Heraklion
Georgia Sarafidou
  • Créateur
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
Former U.S. Base of Gournes
71500 Heraklion
Vasilis Gerovasileiou
  • Chercheur Principal
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
Former U.S. Base of Gournes
71500 Heraklion

Couverture géographique

Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea. Sampling Marine Stations are from both Greece and Turkey.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [35,532, 23,643], Nord Est [41,03, 28,125]

Couverture taxonomique

Mollusca and Radiata by Forbes. It is worth mentioning that the taxonomic evaluation was difficult and thus time-consuming. HCMR team asked taxonomic specialists for specific species in order to match the species with a WoRMS ID and in particular for two species: Pleurobranchus calyptraeoides and Pleurobranchus sordidus new entries in Molluscabase (https://www.molluscabase.org/) were created.

Phylum Mollusca, Echinodermata, Cnidaria, Arthropoda, Foraminifera, Annelida, Brachiopoda, Bryozoa

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 1841-05-29 / 1843-12-23

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

The digitised information is a list of examples of Dredging Papers, selected in order to show the associations of species in the several examined regions. The numerous dredging operations on which the original Report is founded were all registered in a similar manner.

Etendue de l'étude Several locations were sampled in both Greece and Turkey.
Contrôle qualité Marine Regions is used as controlled vocabulary for marine locations, while for taxonomy WoRMS was used.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Information on species, abundance, stations, and dates were extracted from the dredging papers.

Métadonnées additionnelles

The Historical Report is available online through the Biodiversity Heritage Library at: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12920789#page/176/mode/1up

Objet This historical dataset was digitized in the framework of EMODnet Biology project, under Work Package 3 "Data archaeology and rescue". This work has been financially supported by the EC DG-MARE (EMODnet Observation and Data network - Lot5 – Biology) and partly by the Greek Government under the GSRT and the National Strategic Reference Framework (LifeWatchGreece Research Infrastructure (ESFRI) project - MIS 384676).
Identifiants alternatifs doi:10.25607/dppswx